Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Condensed Matter Theory Group, Koga Laboratory
Date20 Jan. 2022
SpeakerKazuhiro Seki (RIKEN Center for Quantum Computing, Quantum Computational Science Research Team, RIKEN)
TitleQuantum-classical hybrid computing method for microcanonical ensembles
Date6 Jul. 2022
SpeakerYasuhiro Yamada (NTT Basic Research Laboratories)
TitleNon-classical fluctuation effects in Coherent Ising machine
Date28 Mar. 2022
SpeakerKen Inayoshi (Department of Physics)
TitleEquilibrium ordered states and nonequilibrium Dynamics in the exitonic insulator on the quasycrystals
Date20 Dev. 2021
SpeakerMina Udono (Chiba Univ.)
TitleHigh harmonic generation in Mott insulators: Effects of intersite interactions
Date3 Jun. 2019
SpeakerPhilipp Werner (University of Fribourg, Switzerland)
TitleDownfolding and self-consistent GW+DMFT
Date14 May 2019
SpeakerMichael Schüler (Stanford University)
TitleLocal Berry curvature signatures from dichroism in angular-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy
Date24 Apr. 2019
SpeakerYuta Murakami (Department of Physics)
TitleNonequilibrium dynamics in correlated electron systems: Recent topics and my researches
Date11 Dec. 2018
SpeakerPhilipp Werner (University of Fribourg, Switzerland)
Date20 July 2018
SpeakerManaka Okuyama (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Date28 June 2018
SpeakerYasuhiro Tanaka (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
TitlePhotoinduced enhancement of excitonic order
Date15 Jan. 2018
SpeakerSeiichiro Suga (Graduate School of Engineering, University of Hyogo)
TitleAn effective model for α-RuCl3
Date29 Nov. 2017
SpeakerJoji Nasu (Department of Physics)
TitleThermal Transport in the Kitaev Model
Date19 Sep. 2017
SpeakerMark Fischer (ETH Zürich)
TitleSuperconductivity in time-reversal-symmetry-broken two-dimensional system: application to FeSe
Date21 Jun. 2017
SpeakerNayuta Takemori (Riken Center for Emergent Matter Science (CEMS))
TitleSuperconductivity in quasiperiodic systems
Date14 Jun. 2017
SpeakerPhilipp Werner (University of Fribourg, Switzerland)
TitleSpin freezing and unconventional superconductivity
Date6 Jun. 2017
SpeakerYo Machida (Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
TitleThermoelectricity of insulators at low temperatures
Date19 Apr. 2017
SpeakerJunya Otsuki (Department of Physics, Tohoku University)
TitleApplications of sparse modeling to quantum many-body problems: Analytical continuation and compression of imaginary-time quantum Monte Carlo data
Date27 Oct. 2016
SpeakerShintaro Hoshino (RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science (CEMS))
TitleSpontaneous orbital-selective Mott transitions and the Jahn-Teller metal of A3C60
Date2 Sep. 2016
SpeakerRyo Ozawa (Department of Applied Physics, University of Tokyo)
TitleVortex crystals with chiral stripes in itinerant magnets
Date5 Jul. 2016
SpeakerShiro Sakai (RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science)
TitleHigh-temperature superconductivity induced by hidden fermionic excitation
Date13 Jan. 2016
SpeakerPhilipp Werner (University of Fribourg, Switzerland)
TitleGW+DMFT simulation of correlated electron systems in and out of equilibrium
Date12 Nov. 2015
SpeakerRobert Peters (Riken - Computational Condensed Matter Laboratory)
TitleCoexistence of light and heavy surface states in the topological Kondo insulator SmB6
Date22 Apr. 2015
SpeakerShintaro Hoshino (Department of Basic Science, University of Tokyo)
TitleSuperconductivity from emerging local magnetic moments
Date17 Apr. 2015
SpeakerTatsuya Kaneko (Department of Physics, Chiba University)
TitleTheory of Ta2NiSe5 as an excitonic insulator
Date12 Dec. 2014
SpeakerPhilipp Werner (University of Fribourg)
TitleCarrier relaxation and thermalization in photo-doped Mott insulators
Date24 Apr. 2014
SpeakerJoji Nasu (Department of Physics)
TitleFinite-temperature phase transition to a quantum spin liquid in a three-dimensional Kitaev model
Date10 Dec. 2013
SpeakerPhilipp Werner (Fribourg University, Switzerland)
TitleNonequilibrium dynamics of electron-phonon coupled systems
Date25 Nov. 2013
SpeakerJ. Tsuda (Nishimori Lab. M2, Department of Physics)
TitleMean-field theory is exact for the random-field model with long-range interactions
Date19 Nov. 2013
SpeakerT. Ikeura (Izawa Lab. M2, Department of Physics)
TitleAnomalous transport phenomena in PrT2X20 with a 4f2 configuration
Date31 Jul. 2013
SpeakerThomas Pruschke (Theoretical Physics, University of Göttingen)
TitleAnd yet they do it - s-wave superconductivity from local spin fluctuations
Date9 Jul. 2013
SpeakerKarlo Penc (Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics, Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest, Hungary and Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Japan)
TitleSpin liquid phases in the SU(4) and SU(3) Heisenberg model on the honeycomb lattice
Date22 May 2012
SpeakerJun Goryo (ETH Zürich/Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo)
TitleSuperconductivity in SrPtAs
Date14 May 2012
SpeakerKazuto Noda (Kyoto University)
TitleMany-body effects in a Bose-Fermi mixture
Date19 Jan. 2012
SpeakerRobert Peters (Kyoto University)
TitleA spin-selective Kondo insulator - Cooperation between Ferromagnetism and Kondo-effect -
Date27 Dec. 2011
SpeakerYasuhiro Tada (Institute of Solid State Physics)
TitleA study on correlation effects in two dimensional topological insulators
Date1 Jun. 2011
SpeakerYoji Ohashi (Keio University)
TitlePhotoemission spectrum and pseudogap phenomenon in the BCS-BEC crossover regime of a superfluid Fermi gas
Date28 Apr. 2011
SpeakerToshihiro Sato (Institute for Solid State Physics)
TitleTransport property of geometrical frustrated electronic systems with strong correlations
Date9 Mar. 2011
SpeakerThomas Pruschke (University of Göttingen Germany)
TitleMagnetism and Superconductivity in the Kondo lattice model with Phonons
Date31 Jan. 2011
SpeakerPhilipp Werner (ETH Zurich)
TitleInteraction quenches and ramps in the Hubbard model
Date20 Jan. 2011
SpeakerAtsushi Yamamoto (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
TitleDynamical properties of ultracold fermions in 1D optical lattices
Date6 Jan. 2011
SpeakerRobert Peters (Kyoto University)
TitleMagnetic properties of the two-orbital Hubbard model
Date21 Oct. 2010
SpeakerShiro Sakai (Vienna University of Technology)
TitleUnderstanding of the pseudogap state in cuprates from the structure of zeros of Green's function
Date29 Jul. 2010
SpeakerYasuhiro Tada (Kyoto University)
TitleSuperconductivity in noncentrosymmetric heavy fermion systems CeRhSi3 and CeIrSi3
Date21 Jun. 2010
SpeakerTakahiro Mikami (University of Tokyo)
TitleHund's-coupling-induced multiferroicity in multi-band insulators
Date8 Feb. 2010
SpeakerYusuke Fujihara (Kyoto University)
TitleAnalysis of Ground State Properties of Ultracold Fermionic Atoms in Optical Lattices
Date30 Oct. 2009
SpeakerPhilipp Werner (ETH Zurich)
TitleMonte Carlo approach to transport and non-equilibrium problems
Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
2-12-1 Oookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8551, Japan