Invited talks
  1. "Generation of superconducting vortices by angular momentum of light"
    The 11th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, online, July 2021

  2. "Theory of paramagnetic Meissner effect due to odd-frequency pairing"
    日本物理学会 領域6,領域1,領域4,領域8合同シンポジウム:Current status of physics in odd frequency Cooper pairings, March 2021

  3. "Topological exceptional surfaces in non-Hermitian systems with parity-time and parity-particle-hole symmetries"
    Oxide Superspin Workshop 2019@Seoul, Korea, June 2019

  4. "Generic phase diagram for Weyl superconductivity in mirror-symmetric superconductors"
    TMS-EPiQS 2nd Alliance Workshop@Kyoto, Japan, January 2018

  5. "Weyl superconductivity associated with phase transition of topological crystalline superconductors"
    Trends in Theory of Correlated Materials (TTCM2017)@Tsukuba, Japan, September 2017

  6. "らせん結晶Teにおける電流誘起磁化及びトポロジカル相"
    日本物理学会 領域4,領域3,領域5,領域7,領域8,領域9合同シンポジウム:トポロジカル材料開発の新展開, 金沢大学 2016/9

  7. "Current-induced Magnetizations in Crystals with Helical Structure"
    Trends in Theory of Correlated Materials (TTCM2016)@Villigen, Switzerland, May 2016

  8. "カイラル金属と超伝導体におけるスピントロ二クス"
    第57回スピンエレクトロニクス専門研究会@Sendai, Japan, January 2016

  9. "Chiral transport and current-induced magnetization in chiral systems"
    Spin Energy Materials@Sendai, Japan, December 2015

  10. "Spin-valleytronics in topological crystalline insulators"
    EMN Qingdao Meeting@Qingdao, China, June 2015

  11. "Spin and valley transports in Dirac systems"
    ICTP Summer School@Khiva, Uzbekistan, May 2015

  12. "Spintronics with topological insulators"
    Topological Aspects of Quantum Matter@Hsinchu, Taiwan, Decenber 2014

  13. “Proximity effect in ferromagnet/superconductor junctions”
    半導体量子効果と量子情報の夏期研修会@ホテルサンバレー那須 2014/9

  14. “Odd-frequency pairing in F/S junction”
    日本物理学会 領域6,領域4,領域8合同シンポジウム:Odd-frequency pairing -current status-@中部大学 2014/9

  15. "Odd frequency pairing in superconducting junctions"
    International Workshop for Young Researchers on Topological Quantum Phenomena in Condensed Matter with Broken Symmetries@Okinawa, Japan, October 2013

  16. "Spin and valley transports in Dirac systems: graphene, topological insulators, and silicene"
    9th International Workshop on Nanomagnetism and Superconductivity at the Nanoscale (Coma-ruga 2013)@Coma-ruga, Spain, July 2013

  17. "Spintronics using topological insulators and triplet superconductors"
    IAS Asia Pacific Workshop on Condensed Matter Physics@Hong Kong, China, December 2012

  18. "Spintronics with topological insulators and triplet superconductors"
    The 8th International Workshop on Nanomagnetism and Superconductivity (Coma-ruga 2012)@Coma-ruga, Spain, July 2012

  19. "Odd frequency superconductivity in symmetry breaking systems"
    International Workshop for Young Researchers on Topological Quantum Phenomena in Condensed Matter with Broken Symmetries@Shiga, Japan, November 2011

  20. “トポロジカル絶縁体表面における超伝導とマヨラナフェルミオン”
    「対称性の破れた凝縮系におけるトポロジカル量子現象」第1回領域研究会@京都大学 2010/12 

  21. “トポロジカル絶縁体表面におけるスピントロニクス”
    放射光表面科学部会・顕微ナノ材料科学研究会合同シンポジウム@東京工業大学 2010/12

  22. “強磁性体/超伝導体接合の理論研究の新展開”
    日本物理学会 領域6,領域4,領域3合同招待講演@岡山大学 2010/3

  23. "Theory of pairing symmetry in the vortex states"
    Vortex Matter in Nanostructured Superconductors (VORTEX VI) @Rhodes, Greece, September 2009

  24. "Spintronics with topological insulator"
    New directions of superconducting nanostructures 2009 (NDSN 2009) @Nagoya, September 2009

  25. “p波超伝導体の近接効果”
    スーパークリーン特定 若手夏の学校@熱川ハイツ 2008年8月

  26. "Odd frequency superconductivity in symmetry breaking systems"
    SpiNOR 2008 @Oslo, May 2008