東京科学大学 理学院 物理学系
物性理論グループ 古賀研究室
会 議 録
解 説
受 賞
International Conference on Atomic Physics 2024 (ICAP 2024)
14-19 Jun. 2024, Imperial College, London
Soma Takemori (M2), "Phase diagram of dissipative fermionic superfluids in non-Hermitian Hubbard model with complex-valued interaction and the effect of the asymmetric hopping"
Quantum Simulation of Novel Phenomena with Ultracold Atoms and Molecules
22-25 Apr. 2024, Kyoto Univ., Kyoto
Soma Takemori (M2), "Unconventional phase diagram in non-Hermitian BCS superfluidity"
The 2nd young researchers’ workshop of the Extreme Universe Collaboration
19-23 Feb. 2024, Shirahamaso, Shiga
Soma Takemori (M1), "Exotic dissipation-induced phase transition in fermionic superfluids: interplay between exceptional manifolds and van Hove singularity"
Internaltional Symposium on Quantum Electronics
13-16 Feb. 2024, Ito International Research Center, Tokyo
Ken Inayoshi (D3), "Eergy Flow during Relaxation in an Electron–Phonon System with Multiple Modes: A Nonequilibrium Green’s Function Study"
Internaltional Symposium on Quantum Electronics
13-16 Feb. 2024, Ito International Research Center, Tokyo
Soma Takemori (M1), "Unconventional non-Hermitian superfluid phase transition induced by the interplay between exceptional manifolds and van Hove singularity"
12th Nonequilibrium Quantum Workshop
10-14 Dec. 2023, Krvavec, Slovenia
Soma Takemori (M1), "Theory of Non-Hermitian Fermionic Superfluidity on a Honeycomb Lattice: Interplay between Exceptional Manifolds and Van Hove Singularity"
HIerarchical Structure and Machine Learning (HISML)
2-13 Oct. 2023, ISSP, Japan
Ken Inayoshi (D3), "Energy flow during relaxation in an electron-phonon system with multiple modes: A nonequilibrium Green's function study"
International conference on complex orders in condensed matter: aperiodic order. local order. electronic order. hidden order (ICCOCM 2023)
24-29 Sep. 2023, Evian, France
Tomonosuke Matsubara (M2), "Hexagonal metallic-mean tilings as aperiodic approximants of the honeycomb lattice"
Physics of Open Systems & Beyond (POS&BYD)
17-23 Aug. 2023, Sapporo, Japan
Soma Takemori (M1), "Non-Hermitian BCS theory on the honeycomb lattice"
Progress in Non-equilibrium Green's Functions 8 (PNGF8)
7-11 Aug. 2023, Örebro, Sweden
Ken Inayoshi (D3), "Energy flow during relaxation in an electron-phonon system with multiple modes"
29th International Conference on LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS (LT29)
18-24 Aug. 2022, Sapporo, Japan
Kohei Nagai (M2), " High-harmonic generation in the Rice-Mele model: Role of intraband current originating from interband transition"
10th International Conference on Aperiodic Crystals (APERIODIC 2022)
20-24 Jun. 2022, Sapporo, Japan
Toranosuke Matsubara (M1), " Magnetically ordered states in the Hubbard model on the two-dimensional golden-mean tilings"
The International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (SCES2020)
27 Sep-2 Oct. 2021, Online, Brazil
Ken Inayoshi (D1), " Photo-induced Nonequilibrium Phenomena of Quasicrystalline Excitonic Insulator"
The International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (SCES2020)
27 Sep-2 Oct. 2021, Online, Brazil
Akihiro Hashimoto (M1), " The gap magnitude in the anisotropic Kitaev model with ordered-flux structure"
14th Asia-Pasific Physics Conference (APPC14)
17-22 Nov. 2019, Kuching, Malaysia
Yuki Takeuchi (M2), "Ferromagnetism in the Double Exchange Model with Quasiperiodicity"
International Conference on Frontiers of Correlated Electron Sciences
29-31 May 2019, University of Tokyo, Japan
Tetsuya Minakawa (M2), "Low-energy effective models of spin-S anisotropic Kitaev models"
Correlated Electrons in Transition-Metal Compounds:New Challenges
5-9 Dec. 2018, MPI-Dresden, Germany
Hiroyuki Tomishige (M2), "Magnetic properties of a bilayer Kitaev model"
APS March Meeting 2018
5-9 Mar. 2018, Los Angeles, US
Kosuke Ishigaki (M2), "Global Phase Diagram in Three Orbital Hubbard Model with Antifferromagnetic Hund Coupling"
The 13th Asian-Pacific Physics Conference (APPC13)
4-8 Dec. 2016, Brisbane, Australia
Ryu Shinzaki (M2), "DMFT Study for Charge Kondo Effect on Pair Hopping Mechanism"
The 8th Conference on Aperiodic Crystals (Aperiodic 2015)
30 Aug.-4 Sep. 2015, Prague, Czech Republic
Nayuta Takemori (D3), "Strong electron correlations in a two-dimensional Hubbard model on the Penrose lattice"
TMU International Symposium 2015 "New Quantum Phases Emerging from Novel Ctystal Structure"
24-25 Sep. 2015, Tokyo
Nayuta Takemori (D3), "DMFT study of the local correlation effects in quasi-periodic system"
R. Shinzaki (M1), "DMFT study with the CT-QMC method for the valence fluctuations in heavy-fermion systems"
20th International Conference on Magnetism (ICM2015)
5-10 Jul. 2015, Barcelona, Spain
Nayuta Takemori (D3), "Intersite electron correlaions in quasi-periodic systems"
International Workshop on New Frontier of Numerical Methods for Many-Body Correlations
18-21 Feb. 2015, The University of Tokyo
Nayuta Takemori (D2), "R-DMFT study of the local correlation effects in quasi-periodic system"
International workshop "Novel Quantum States in Condensed Matter 2014 (NQS2014)"
4 Nov.-5 Dec. 2014, Yukawa Institute, Kyoto
Nayuta Takemori (D2), "DMFT study of the local correlation effects in quasi-periodic system"
The International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (SCES2014)
7-11 Jul. 2014, Grenoble, France
Nayuta Takemori (D2), "Local electron correlation in quasi-periodic systems"
The ISSP International Workshop “New Horizon of Strongly Correlated Physics” (NHSCP2014)
16 Jun.-4 Jul. 2014, ISSP, The University of Tokyo
Nayuta Takemori (D2), "Local electron correlation in quasi-periodic systems"
FIRST International Symposium on Topological Quantum Technology
27-30 Jan. 2014, The University of Tokyo
Nayuta Takemori (D1), "Local Electron Correlations in Quasi-Periodic System"
RIKEN-APW joint workshop “Highlights in condensed matter physics”
23-25 Jan. 2014, RIKEN, Wako
Yuki Okanami (M2), "Stability of the superfluid state in three-component fermionic optical lattice systems"
Nayuta Takemori (D1), "Local electron correlation in quasi-periodic system"
The International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (SCES2013)
5-9 Aug. 2013, The University of Tokyo
Ryota Suzuki (M2), "Cluster Mean-Field Approach with Density Matrix Renormalization Group: Application to the Hard-Core Bosonic Hubbard Model on a Triangular Lattice"
International Symposium "Nanoscience and Quantum Physics 2012" (nanoPHYS'12)
17-19 Dec. 2012, International House of Japan, Tokyo
Nayuta Takemori (M2), "Stabilities of superfluid and density wave states in fermionic mass imbalanced optical lattices"
5th International Workshop on Ultracold Group II Atoms
2012, NICT, Tokyo
Nayuta Takemori (M2), "Stabilities of superfluid and density wave states in fermionic mass imbalanced optical lattices"
The 23rd International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP2012)
23-27 Jul. 2012, Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau, France
Nayuta Takemori (M2), "Low temperature properties of the fermionic mixtures with mass imbalance in optical lattice"
〒152-8551 東京都目黒区大岡山2-12-1
東京科学大学 理学院 物理学系 古賀研究室