Best Teacher Award in the Department of Physics |
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| Kazuki Yamamoto, 理論演習の出席率の飛躍的向上に向けたインタラクティブな授業 |
| 2025.3 |
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Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan 2025 (Division 1) |
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| Kazuki Yamamoto, Theory of fermionic superfluidity and critical phenomena in ultracold atoms subject to dissipation |
| 2025.3 |
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Tokyo Tech Challenging Research Award |
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| Kazuki Yamamoto, 観測誘起相転移の冷却原子系での実現に向けた理論構築 |
| 2024.9 |
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| Toranosuke Matsubara, 準周期ポテンシャル中の自由フェルミオン系における観測誘起相転移 |
| 2024.8 |
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23th Funai Information Research Award for Young Researchers |
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| Kazuki Yamamoto, 開放量子多体系における超伝導と観測誘起相転移の開拓 |
| 2024.5 |
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Student Presentation Award of the Physical Society of Japan |
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| Toranosuke Matsubara, Aperiodic approximants bridging quasicrystals and incommensurate modulated structures |
| 2024.3 |
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令和5年度物理学コース優秀修⼠論⽂賞 |
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| Kaito Mizukami, 物質の熱⼒学的性質と⾏列の固有値計算に向けた量⼦計算の応⽤ |
| 2024.2 |
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40th Inoue Research Award for Young Scientists |
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| Kazuki Yamamoto, Nonequilibrium quantum many-body physics in ultracold atoms subject to dissipation |
| 2024.2 |
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4th Tsai Award for Students |
| Toranosuke Matsubara, Aperiodic approximants bridging quasicrystals and incommensurate modulated structures |
| 2023.12 |
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令和5年度 理学院若手研究奨励賞 |
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| Kazuki Yamamoto, 強相関量子開放系における散逸誘起超伝導の理論構築 |
| 2023.12 |
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Student Presentation Award of the Physical Society of Japan |
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| Hiroki Iijima, Optical response of the tightbinding model on the Fibonacci chain |
| 2022.4 |
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令和2年度物理学コース優秀修士論文賞 |
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| Ken Inayoshi, Theoretical Study of Equilibrium Order and Nonequilibrium Dynamics in the Quasicrystalline Excitonic Insulator |
| 2021.2 |
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令和元年度 理学系若手研究奨励賞 |
| Yuta Mirakami, 多自由度相関電子系のための非平衡理論手法開発とその応用 |
| 2019.12 |
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The Commendation for Science and Technology by the MEXT (The Young Scientists’ Prize) |
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| Joji Nasu, 量子スピン液体の熱的性質と磁気ダイナミクスの研究 |
| 2018.4 |
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Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan 2012 (Div 8) |
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| Joji Nasu, 量子スピン液体の熱力学的性質とダイナミクスの理論的解明 |
| 2017.3 |
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平成28年度手島精一記念研究賞 博士論文賞 |
| Nayuta Takemori, Strong electron correlation effects in a quasiperiodic lattice |
| 2017.2 |
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平成28年度 理学系若手研究奨励賞 |
| Joji Nasu, 量子スピン液体の熱力学的性質とダイナミクスの理論的解明 |
| 2016.12 |
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Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan 2012 (Div 8) |
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| Akihisa Koga, 多軌道相関電子系におけるモット転移の理論的研究 |
| 2012.3 |
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2009 Tokyo Tech Challenging Research Award |
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| Akihisa Koga, 光格子フェルミ粒子系におけるスーパーソリッドに関する理論的研究 |
| 2009.12 |
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